By Hannah Dearth
Sometimes we jump into the deep waters ourselves, and sometimes we are thrown into them. What happens to us and choices that we have made, without Him, will cause us to feel like we have been drowning-being tossed back and forth just fighting to come up for air.
He pulls us out of dark places and puts us in His light and makes our lives SO ocean now of blessings and purpose. That’s not to say we don’t still have storms or dark days... or that we don’t have to call out for a life raft sometimes. We are still sinners in a fallen world, but we feel hope. We can breathe. We can see the shore, and we know that there is so much more ahead than what is happening now.
We also know that we will not sink, even when we are weary. We know that He is always bigger, because after-all, even the wind and the waves know His name.
Psalm 18:16 “He reached from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters.”
