by: Hannah Dearth

The do-gooders…the helpers…
we are tired
Heartbroken even
At the state of the world
At the anger and hatred
The division
But we rest
And keep on fighting the good fight
Even when we want to scream
Give up
Let go
Not because we feel we have to
Or it doesn’t hurt too
It definitely has a cost that comes with it
But Because we have seen the depths of brokenness
The hardest of things
And we know we are all broken ourselves
And in this, we have found the truest love,
And grace, and strength
Most of all, we remember a someone
that helped us get through our valleys
And we know even if it’s just one person
Equipped with love and understanding
One person that just shows up
That matters
Life and death kind of matters
It’s priceless
It’s everything
So…we wipe the tears. We pray. We go to bed. We wake up and thank God for another day. We do it all over again.