by: Hannah Dearth
As each year comes to an end, we review it and pray, and we talk about what we want to see in the next one. We pick a word that stems from scripture, and we discuss ways we want to give our lives to God more that year. This is year five or so of this habit, and each year I’m moved by how God weaves this word through our lives. Now, I’ve started adding a piece of decor in our home to look at to remind us of our word. Our focus.
This year, our word was rooted. To be quite honest, I felt so confused, because I felt more uprooted than anything. I felt distanced from a church, I felt confused about what to do during a pandemic. Friends, sometimes He has to do a little weeding. He has to uproot some things in your life that are smothering out growth in Him in order for you to be more firmly planted.
I thought about writing to share some of these things, ways in which we felt the pains and struggles of the weeding, and ways in which we found ourselves becoming more firmly planted, but I know we all have felt SO much of that this year.
What I really want to do, is challenge you to try this out for a year...by yourself or with your family. See how this one small word connects you so much more to him in ways you cannot imagine, and be blessed to see His presence, His plan, His purpose for your life, in a new way.