by: Hannah Dearth
This means love to everyone...your partner, yes, and your family and friends...that's the easy part, right?
This also means your neighbor, that sort of grumpy guy you ran into at the gas station, your coworker, people that you've never even met and...yourself!
Small gestures matter. One time interactions with love matter. Self-love matters.
This upcoming week, let’s spread so much love and kindness that we seem a little ridiculous.
It doesn't even have to involve an exchange of gifts with anything pink, red, or chocolate (unless that is your jam). How about giving a sincere "Life is hard, but you are awesome!" reminder or two? A sweet text to a friend. A compliment to a stranger. A meal to someone who is sick. An hour volunteering or gathering items to donate. All of this is so much simpler, and so much greater, than a holiday “obligation” to buy and do.
Life can get pretty overwhelming, and kindness and love can sometimes feel like they are in low supply, but our God always has more than enough for us.
Each day, for one another, we can be the reminders of that love!