I’m in the wilderness. This season...
This year...
I’m struggling to cling to Him in this place, even when He is constantly reminding me of His goodness. Of His presence.
& Providing me with what I need to get by.
It feels like I am aimlessly wandering,
but I know He is in control.
I know He has a bigger plan.
I know He is guiding me in preparation for whatever lies ahead.
He’s doing a work in me.
I’m in the wilderness.
I’m worn down. I’m weary.
I’m scarred and bruised.
But He is here, in the wilderness too.
& our God, He does some of His best work out here. Where it’s all stripped away. Nothing left between Him and His people.
Our God is not a stranger to that loneliness, frustration, hurt...whatever this journey may look like for each of us.
He is right there, with us in it, reminding us that...
We are worthy, and He is willing, even in our wilderness.