by: Hannah Dearth

I wasn’t ready.
I can see that now, but I couldn’t then.
I wasn’t ready for what I was asking God for in that particular situation.
I was waiting. And waiting. And waiting.
Life happened.
My marriage changed.
Finances changed.
My roots grew deeper.
My children got older.
I slowly matured. And grew. And shifted.
I was almost ready.
But if God had given me what I thought I so desperately should have had then…
…before His plan was complete…
I would have blew it.
It wouldn’t have worked out.
The stress and change might have broke me.
My family and those around me would possibly be deeply negatively impacted.
I wasn’t ready then, and I can see that now.
I’m so very thankful for a God that could see it the whole time, a God who prepared me in the waiting.